A Patient with High Cholesterol

Jordan is a 50 year old man who suffered from high cholesterol. His family physician had prescribed Simvastatin. Three months later, the physician increased the dose of Simvastatin, as Jordan’s cholesterol levels were still high. One and a half weeks later, Jordan started experiencing muscle pains in his feet and legs, which became unbearable. He visited his physician a couple of times, as no pain killers were helpful. He continued to feel debilitated and his lifestyle slowed down significantly, to a point where he was increasingly absent from work.

Jordan was desperate to find a solution. He reviewed with his physician whether the pain could potentially be a side effect of Simvastatin. Assuming incompatibility with Simvastatin, Jordan decided to take the Rx Report™ genetic drug compatibility test. After the genetic analysis was completed at Personalized Prescribing’s laboratories, it was revealed that Jordan was an atypical responder to Simvastatin. Our pharmacist explained to Jordan and his physician that he has a genetic mutation which had caused him to experience extensive pain when using Simvastatin. Our pharmacist recommended Jordan use Crestor, instead of Simvastatin.

Jordan was elated to find the cause for his excruciating pain. The physician changed Jordan’s medication immediately and after only two weeks on the new medication, Jordan informed us during a follow up call, of the fact that his muscle pain was gone, he was attending work regularly and he got his life back! Both Jordan and his physician were very thankful for the test and services provided by Personalized Prescribing Inc.